Build your dream car piece by piece

Tesla Cybertruck inspired MOC LEGO car set
Tesla Cybertruck inspired MOC LEGO car set


LEGO MOC set waiting to be built
LEGO MOC set waiting to be built
Piece by piece

No experience in building model cars? None needed! With a step by step guide from start to finish building model cars with blocks couldn't be easier. It roughly takes two hours to finish a model. That's two hours of quality time well spend alone, with your partner or even with your kids!

Dream car, dream destination

Take your dream car to your dream destination. Grab your car and drive it to the place you always wished to go. After all, I can't be the only one still playing with his cars, right? ...Right?

Tesla Cybertruck inspired MOC LEGO car set at a lake
Tesla Cybertruck inspired MOC LEGO car set at a lake